BYS Customer Testimonial: Curt & Bain White – Aslan

BYS Customer Testimonial: Curt & Bain White – Aslan

Dear Pat, Ray, Mick and all,

It doesn’t seem possible that it has been 25 years since I pulled into Edgewater late one winter afternoon on my way from BWI to Easton to meet with John Currey and see what this Fleming boat was all about.

The changes to us all during that period have been pretty significant but several things have stayed true and even improved. The quality of the Flemings, the quality of  the facilities and the quality of the people and services of Burr Yacht Sales have all gone from great to over the top out standing. Why else would anyone of sound mind have bought 3 of those magnificent boats over that time?

To say that you guys and your staff have played a significant part in our lives is to greatly understate your roles. Our beloved ASLAN has carried us, our family and friends on so many trips and to so many places that would not otherwise have been available to  us that it is staggering to look back on them all.  Our youngest developed his love of the seas and became an ocean hydrographer due in large part to his life on our boats. We carried family and friends from Maine and Canada to the Bahamas and all points in between, including the Great Lakes, the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers and the Gulf of Mexico in safety and comfort available to very few.

All those trips and memories were made possible due to the advice and attention you all gave to us and our boat including on-the-go instructions from Pat on how to bleed a fuel line as we intersected the Mississippi from the Illinois River and let a fuel tank run dry. While the cast of players sometimes changed, most remarkable was the continuity that you created and shepherded. Not only with personnel but with the attitude, the professionalism, the craftsmanship and genuine concern that all  the folks at Burr displayed toward us. That only happens when the leaders of an organization display those same characteristics to their people. As the end recipients of that attitude, please accept our  profound appreciation and thanks.

They say that the happiest days in a boat owner’s life are the day they bought it and the day they sell it. You can enter us as exceptions to that rule. Selling ASLAN was not a happy day. Unfortunately, it was clear to us that we are no longer physically able to take the trips we want to take. That boat is much too beautiful and capable to become a floating condo, so it clearly was time to pass her on for someone else to make their own memories.

As Bain and I transition to whatever else our future is, we celebrate with you as you transition as well. We love seeing your new facility in Stuart growing and prospering under the able leadership of AJ. And  we know the mothership in Edgewater will continue to be the standard against which all yacht organizations will be measured.

Please continue to use us as references for anyone who inquires as to the quality of the Flemings and your representation of them.  Also, generally as relates to the quality of the people involved in your entire organization. We greatly value our long friendship and hope you will welcome us the next time we pass near either of your locations.

Most fondly ,
Curt & Bain White

MV Aslan

Click the image above to read the White’s article on their two Great Loop journeys aboard their Fleming 53 & Fleming 65!
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