Read about Venture II’s voyage to these enchanting islands located between Scotland and Iceland.
Tony Fleming and crew voyage from Scotland to Iceland with a visit to the fascinating Faroe Islands.
Tony Fleming’s exciting adventure in Motor Boat and Yachting as he voyages 19,000 miles from Alaska to Nova Scotia with …
MotorBoating magazine’s feature story on Venture’s exploration of the Galapagos Islands.
Australia’s “Ultimate Boating & Lifestyle” magazine follows a Fleming 55 to Papua New Guinea. Please click the image below to …
Flemings Have Earned a Reputation for Their Extraordinarily Quiet, Smooth Ride
A 1,900-mile detour takes a Fleming 65 past Isla del Coco to the threshold of Darwin’s bountiful Galápagos.
In part one of our Galápagos adventure series, our intrepid writer prepares for a cruise to the Galápagos with boatbuilder …