Updated News From Burr Yacht Sales

Having been in business since 1963, Burr Yacht Sales has seen and weathered a lot of storms in the marine industry. Anyone who is paying attention to the news realizes that the current crisis is different, and it is striking directly at the health of our employees. The latest press conference from the Maryland Governor, Larry Hogan, has asked that non-essential businesses close at 5pm tonight. With this said, BYS South in Stuart, Florida will continue servicing boats with proper precautions in place until the same is requested of Martin County or the State of Florida.

So much of the Burr experience revolves around the 24-hour remote support of our customers, and a lot of the Fleming owners are still onboard and cruising, so we will continue to answer phones and respond to emails. We will also continue with our daily checks of the Flemings that are stored at our in-water showroom/service facilities. Checking dock lines, shore power, bilges, canvas covers, and door locks will carry on once a day with a small volunteer crew.

Everyone in the country is looking forward to life, travel, and socialization eventually returning to normal. We’ve been fortunate to have had a very mild winter thus far, keeping many of the retrofit and upgrade projects rolling along with minimal delays. We don’t yet know when proud Fleming owners will be arriving to start springtime cruising, but we can assure you that Burr Yacht Sales will be ready.

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